About guava fruit | 12 benefits, history, Nutrition and more information about guava |

Aswini Karmakar

About guava fruit | 12 benefits, history, Nutrition and more information about guava |


about guava fruit | how to eat guava fruit, fact and history about gouva , benefits, Nutrition and more information about guava ||

#1 History of Guava :                                     

Guava is The fruit of a shrub-like tree of small size. It has a diameter of 7.5 cm and its fruit weight ranges from 50 grams to 200 grams.This fruit is somewhat similar to a pear When a flower is ripe, it is yellow and the inside is white, the inside of a guava is pink The inside is pink.There are many small poisons in guava When ripe, the pole is pink inside and yellow on top.

 Propagation of this fruit is usually by seeds and in some cases by grafting process.Guava is a tropical fruit commonly grown in Venezuela, Mexico, India and Colombia.Guava trees are usually 12 to 22 feet tall. Guava fruits for two to eight years Give fruit until Some guavas are not poisonous but most guavas are poisonous.

 Guava tree life span is more than 45 years. Guava was first sold in the Gunridar market around 1846 to 1847.It is believed that between 1948 and 1970, 21 guava farmers started growing guava in Hawaii. There are different types of guavas-

Pink or red guava

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These guavas are usually pink in color, sweet or sweet in this pink variety Guava is considered to be the highest variety. This fruit is believed to have first originated in Mexico. Later this fruit was spread all over the world by Kaushiks. Pink guava is the most used in different countries.

White or yellow guava

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Guavas that are yellow in color are usually too sweet for you.The inside of this fruit is white in color. Guavas of this variety usually appear green when ripe.

#2 Nutritional value of guava:

About guava fruit | benefits, history, Nutrition and more information about guava |

A guava contains about 20 to 21% vitamin A. which is the skin of the body Helps keep bright bright Helps keep bright bright.
•Contains 18% to 20% folate, which is essential for pregnant women to help prevent neural tube damage.
Nutrient content of guava per 100 grams-

•Calories 66
•Carbohydrates 14.31 grams
•5.5 grams of fiber
•0.94 grams of fat
•Protein 2.54 grams
Vitamin C contains about 270 to 275 percent of the daily recommended intake Folate is about 10 to 12 percent of the daily recommended intake, while vitamin B5 is about 7 to 8 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin B6 is about 8 to 9 percent of the daily recommended intake, niacin is about six to seven percent of the daily recommended intake, potassium is about five to six percent of the daily recommended intake, phosphorus is about Five to seven percent of the recommended intake. Manganese DailyManganese in the Daily Recommended Dietary Allowance Four to five percent.

Risks of eating guava:

Although guavas are rich in nutrients, consuming too many guavas is bad for your health as it contains fructose, which can cause a sore throat and stomach ache.

#3.Benefits of Guava:

A About bout guava fruit | 12 benefits,  history, Nutrition and more information about guava |

• Guava increases immunity in the body;
•Helps maintain level of government control;
•Guava is beneficial for women during pregnancy;
•Helps to cure toothache;
•Helps to reduce body weight;
•Helps cure colds and coughs;
•Helps reduce the risk of cancer;
•Guava can keep the heart healthy;
•Very useful during constipation;
•Helps improve eyesight;
•Guava is very useful in relieving menstrual pain in women;
•It is very beneficial for the skin


Many more benefits of guava such as 

1.Guava boosts immunity in the body as it contains a large amount of vitamin C in the face. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and helps keep the body healthy from common infectious diseases.It is believed that guavas contain about four times more vitamin C than oranges.

2. Guavas are high in fiber and glycemic index to help control sugar levels and help reduce the development of diabetes. Because the licentious index is the blood sugar level Does not grow in a short period of time. 

3. Guava is beneficial for women during pregnancy because guava contains folic acid and vitamin B9 which are very beneficial for the development of the baby's nervous system.Eating guava while pregnant protects the child from neurological diseases.

4. Helps to cure toothache as guava leaves have anti-bacterial properties, they fight infection and fight germs,  So eating guava leaves daily is very beneficial for toothache.

5. Helps to reduce body weight as guava controls obesity in the body. Eating guava every day to keep the body at normal weight helps to lose body weight. Guava contains very little sugar It is more beneficial because it contains less sugar than bananas, grapes and oranges. 

6.Helps cure colds and coughs – Guava contains more iron and vitamin C than other flowers.Raw guava juice is useful in treating colds and coughs. Consuming this daily keeps the throat system and lungs free from cold and cough germs.

7. Helps reduce the risk of cancer because guava is rich in vitamin C, lycogen acts as an antioxidant. Prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body.Guava is able to slow the growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer cells.

8. Guava can keep the heart healthy because guava is rich in potassium and sodium. Maintains body balance and controls high blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.Cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease and helps to reduce it.

9. It is very beneficial during constipation as a guava contains 10 to 12 percent fiber which boosts digestion.Fiber is very beneficial for health. This fruit helps in healthy bowel movements. So this fruit is equally beneficial for constipation. 

10. Because it helps to improve eyesight As Guava contains vitamin A, it not only improves vision but also protects against cataracts do.

11. Women find it very beneficial to relieve menstrual cramps as some women experience very painful cramps during menstruation. Scientist Moti consumes guava leaf juice to reduce menstrual pain Helps.

12. Vitamin A is found in guava which is very beneficial for the skin. This vitamin helps to maintain the brightness and structure of the skin.

#4. Advantages of guava leaves

We as a whole rely upon western medication for normal issues like fever, cold, hack and so on. However, remember that guava leaves are additionally extremely sound. Assuming guava natural product is solid, it is

  1. Helps stop loose bowels
  2. Hales brings down cholesterol levels
  3. Helps in weight reduction
  4. Assists control with blooding sugar levels
  5. Helps battle disease
  6. Assists with great vision
  7. skin break out
  8. Guava leaves for solid hair
Going bald is a consequence of unfortunate scalp. Guava leaves assist with halting hair fall and fortify your scalp due to their calming, mitigating properties.

It is plentiful in nutrients B and C which help in hair development and give sustenance. So in the event that you have a guava tree in your nursery, don't stack up or consume the leaves, yet make a plant out of it.

• Advantages of guava leaf tea

Assuming that green tea is viewed as solid and Ayurvedic, guava leaf tea is more sound and can be polished off in the event that you have stomach torment, watery stools and so on. Likewise, it should be consumed while starving and after you follow the means cautiously you get quick help.

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Guava leaves have therapeutic properties that can assist you with any secondary effects. Be that as it may, it is superior to eating with some restraint. Here are a portion of your habitually sought clarification on pressing issues

Is guava natural product suggested for diabetics?
Most diabetics are encouraged to eat apples, however guavas can likewise be eaten as a nibble for diabetics. This is Health food nut

Is it risky to eat bubbled eggs with guava organic product?
Guava is a solid natural product that can be eaten, however it tends to be sensitive to some. Likewise, eggs can likewise be sensitive to certain individuals. you

What is the distinction between white guava and pink guava?
Legitimately talking, both are something very similar, yet what defines a particular boundary between the two is their variety and taste. The two assortments of guava have comparable advantages as one another
Alongside guava organic product, leaves have therapeutic properties can fix some medical issues. Nonetheless, ensure you don't take it in abundance. As the well-known axiom goes, "An apple to an apple

Might guava at any point cause looseness of the bowels?
Indeed, guava can add to the runs when eaten in huge amounts or on the other hand assuming that you as of now have stomach related issues. One component that might add to this is guava

Might guava at any point be eaten crude?
Indeed, guava is completely usable crude and it is for the most part eaten. Prior to consuming the guava you purchase, ensure the guava is ready.
Disclaimer: The data remembered for this site is for instructive purposes just and isn't planned to sub for treatment by a medical services proficient. Due to the special individual requirements, the circumstance of the peruser


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