About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

Aswini Karmakar

 In this article you studies about Australian kangaroos and kangaroo history, kangaroo behavior, types of kangaroo and more.

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

About Kangaroo:

The Australian kangaroo is a type of mammal that is commonly found in Australia.Looking like a rabbit, kangaroos have two legs that act as a pair of hands, a smaller one and a larger pair that help them stand and jump. Their way of walking is hopping.A unique feature of kangaroos is that female kangaroos carry their babies on their stomachs Bag of stuffing.Kangaroos can keep their babies safe in that pouch . The scientific name of kangaroo is "Macropus rupus". They are generally herbivores.

 Kangaroos are usually the smallest species weighing 500 to 650 grams (1–2 lb) after shooting, these smaller species are 45 to 55 cm (15.9–19.8 in) in length.And the largest species of kangaroo weigh 150 to 200 pounds And they have a body length of 3.5 to 6 feet, and a tail length of 35 to 44 inches.Kangaroos vary in weight and length depending on the tribe, and are usually red and gray in color.Kangaroos usually live between 20 and 24 year.

What does a kangaroo eat?

Since kangaroos are herbivores, they eat a variety of grasses and leaves. The Australian kangaroo is native to Australia as well as the islands As well as the kangaroos that inhabit the region, all kangaroos are herbivores.Eragos drink more water than domestic animals such as sheep.If someone wants to adopt a kangaroo, they should have an empty field or a small one A kangaroo's stomach is somewhat like a horse's, having to graze on grassy areas. Kangaroos have a high digestive capacity so they are able to digest even fibrous plants. They are shrubs in the dry season They eat leaves and during intense heat they eat grass.

Species of Kangaroo:

Kangaroos are usually of different species, one of which is number 14. These are called micro passes.The number of other types of species is 65 They are called macropedidae. MacroPedidae species of kangaroos usually living in trees are called quokkas, Indus kangaroos. Macropass species are usually terrestrial. These macropus species are called wallabies.

Kangaroo Species Name:

Although there are many types of kangaroo, the best known Bullets are of seven types-

1.gray kangaroo (macropass foliginosus ),

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

This kangaroo is usually of a dark color, this kangaroo is mostly found in eastern Australia, Tasmania, the length of this species of kangaroo Length 2.5 meters. Adults of this species weigh 80 to 90 kg (150-200 lb). The length of the small kangaroo of this species is 1.9 meters, their weight ranges from 55 kg (110-125 lbs).

2. red kangaroo

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

This kangaroo is usually a large species with a height of 1.6 meters or (5.5 feet).Their own length is 1 meter or (3.5 feet).Male kangaroos of this species are red in color and female kangaroos Something is of a blue gray tone.

3. Antelope kangaroo 

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

This kangaroo is smaller than the red kangaroo, measuring 1.5 meters (5 feet) in length. They weigh about 60 to 70 kg (140-150 lb).They are also called Wallaroos.

4.Long-nosed Kangaroo (Pottery)

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

They are a type of rat kangaroo. They usually have a different head shape than other kangaroos and have large molars in their jaws.They usually live underground and are active during the day.

5.Short-nosed kangaroo (morsupial)

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

They are of four types, they have tails, pink noses and small ears. Their skin color Abdomen white with gray hairs They can burrow.

6. Derufus rat kangaroo 

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

They are the largest of the rat kangaroos and are white in color. Their length ranges from 80 to 90 cm (30-35 inches). This species weighs 4 kg (7.9 lb).They usually live in grassy areas where grass is their main diet.

7. Southern Rat Kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus)

About australian kangaroos l kangaroos studies facts, History and types of kangaroos |

This kangaroo usually lives in tropical regions. These kangaroos are primitive rat kangaroos, with dark brown skin. These kangaroos range in length from 45 to 55 cm (15.9–19.8 in). And their weight ranges from 500 to 650 grams or 1 to 2 pounds.A different religion is observed in that they bear twins instead of a single young.

Kangaroo behavior:

A kangaroo has a peculiar posture. They are mainly active at night while sleeping, this behavior is seen in dim light. But during the day they are exposed to sunlight Easy to find. When the weather is hot, they tend to lick their trunks, hands and arms, which is comforting in their hot weather. Because it evaporates and disrupts the heat. Kangaroo by nature They are not social and can be seen traveling in groups. 

If they see a human they tell their group leader their leader "boomer" the war kangaroo then this kangaroo puts its tail on the ground and everyone Slowly towards the forest. Their older kangaroos, the "boomers," dominate the season Kangaroos are capable of kicking and boxing, with which a male kangaroo fights another male kangaroo. So that the female kangaroo becomes attracted and indulges in the meeting. Kangaroo people Like having body muscles or muscles, it can be observed that male kangaroos attract lady kangaroos by showing these muscles.

What other behaviors can be observed? When an enemy enters their territory, the tail wags the enemy, steps back and grabs the enemy with its forelimbs. This technique is more Australian Can be observed in kangaroos. This source reports that once an Australian kangaroo was observed misbehaving with a dog, the kangaroo's bread fell into the water. went The dog is then turned around and punished by the kangaroo.

Kangaroo Habitat:

Video by Jose Miguel Pereira Gomes: https://www.pexels.com/video/brown-kangaroos-on-a-green-grass-field-9357406/

Kangaroo habitat can be found in most parts of Australia and on islands such as Tanasia Island. 


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