About rabbit || Domestic rabbit description & Fact

Aswini Karmakar

Domestic Rabbits:

rabbit are generally herbivores ranging tall from 9.3 inches (24 cm) to twenty inches (50 cm). the load of these animals ranges from 900 grams to a maximum of 450 grams.

Their complexion is white and black. they typically like to eat different types of grass, vegetables and fruits. Many species of rabbits are often seen. the amount of their species is about 320, out of which 10 to 12 species sleep in forests and the rest are known as domesticated species.Clothes are made up of the fur of this animal. The meat of this animal is kept within the food list by people of different regions. This animal is typically found as a domesticated animal in most European countries. This animal are often found in all countries except the rest of Antarctica.


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